It is in fact a question of grouping together the tasks which are similar or call upon the same intellectual gestures. In this way, you mobilize specific cognitive resources, over a concrete period of time, rather than alternating between different tasks which require your brain to constantly adapt. Thus, no more loss of energy and concentration! Did you know that time blocking is Elon Musk's favorite organization method? I also advise you not to forget to plan off time slots , dedicated to blowing your day off.
No, you are not wasting your time, you are recharging your batteries to be more efficient afterwards. When you are your own boss, taking care of yourself is one of the important and urgent tasks! . Spend Time Training whatsapp mobile number list Yourself If time off is necessary to boost your productivity, I also suggest that you include “training” blocks in your schedule. And this for two reasons. First, if you continue to train yourself, in your professional field, in the latest techniques and innovations, then you will be more efficient on a daily basis.your activity, you save time that you can then reinject into your business or your family sphere. Secondly, you can also train online in areas beneficial to your professional activity.
General knowledge, personal development, management, modern philosophy, etc. Being curious, in a learning position, is an effective way to maintain a certain intellectual dynamism and also allows you to keep watch in many areas. In this regard, here are two book references to leaf through during your “training” blocks! The -hour week: Work less, earn more and live better! by Timothy Ferriss. The hour week of Timothy Ferriss And The Principle by Richard Koch Beware of Shiny Object Syndrome Do you know shiny object syndrome