Diversity Digital brands must communicate consistently but diversely across various online channels. The same message should be spread across all channels, but it must be adapted to the medium. Innovation online lasts three months a year, and social media lasts even just one month a year. Digital brand management does not move at the same pace as the sluggish print world. If you are not kept up to date and constantly using new communication channels, you will lose influence and relevance. New digital communication channels must be tested directly to be a part of it.
Even after a while you may realize that the channel Philippines WhatsApp Number List is not going as planned. The cemetery is full of social media platforms. Fault-tolerant communications are not error-free. Especially in digital communication, various communication obstacles arise. Conrad Lorenz's old adage that what you don't think, what you say, even more relevant in digital brand management, where mistakes can lead to direct feedback that in the print world cannot be communicated to broadcasters.
Most brand managers forget how to listen. It's certainly easier to develop a great ad campaign or TV commercial and then go on the air than to deal with the reaction of an online community on a social network. Also, this feedback is often unfiltered and sometimes inappropriately tone-deaf, but feedback from customers should be addressed. Leading the conversation using only press releases on social media channels is the wrong way to go. Social networking is not called joining the network for nothing.